Maximize your control of virtual meetings and events with ZoomOSC, an expanded version of the Zoom client that integrates Zoom with third-party software and hardware.
Elevate, Automate, and Streamline your Virtual Events.
ZoomOSC 4.5.1 MacOS
Introducing ZoomOSC Essentials & ZoomOSC Pro
You can now deploy ZoomOSC in one of two ways:
ZoomOSC Essentials (FREE)
All the features you know and love, plus some new ones!
ZoomOSC Pro
A paid tier that unlocks new, groundbreaking features.

"If you are serious about doing something that sits above everything else you are used to using in Zoom, you need to learn to use [ZoomOSC]...to set yourself apart."
Alex Lindsay, Host of The Office Hours
Looking for something? Access user guides, video tutorials, and the command list here
How does it work?
ZoomOSC uses the OSC (Open Sound Control) protocol to receive commands and control the Zoom client. In addition, the application provides OSC output for meeting status, participant data, gallery order/position, chat messages, and more.

What can you do with ZoomOSC?
Use a Hardware Controller with Zoom
ZoomOSC exposes Zoom meeting features like pinning, spotlighting, video on/off, screensharing and more through OSC messaging. This allows you to use OSC applications and hardware to create custom control surfaces for Zoom. Create your own or try out some community made integrations.
Shown: Elgato Streamdeck
Integrate with OSC Applications for Linear Cueing, Advanced control
Automation increases reliability, giving you the confidence to build shows around complicated sequences of events. For the first time, implement rapid pinning, participant management, automated chat, and other powerful meeting commands into your production flow.
ZoomOSC is for
Virtual Events
Content Creators
Interactive Experiences

OSC Commands are Intuitive to Understand
The ZoomOSC API uses a clear format for ease of use; you don't need to be a programmer to start sending commands and building your own integrations!
/zoom/userName/pin "Lisa"
...pin Lisa by username
...turn off all panelists' video
/zoom/me/setMicDevice 3
...change my mic to the 3rd device

Shown: QLab
Using the user group commands, create sequences of multi-participant pins and spot. Press one button to bring up 3 participants, then press another to switch to 5 new participants; all natively in Zoom.
Use Multi-Pin and Multi-Spot to create Super Sources

OSC Meeting Feedback gives Reactive Control to Integrators
ZoomOSC provides real-time OSC output for participant actions (ie. muting, raising hand) as well as meeting status information. With this data, integrators can drive functions with participant usernames, gallery positions, active speakers, and more.
ZoomOSC is Developed Hand-in-Hand with the Virtual Event Community
We are event producers and video engineers just like you. ZoomOSC was created out of an immediate need for our own productions, and has grown into a powerful community responding to the feedback of working professionals.

Take a minute to read our Beginner's Guide
Subscribe to Liminal on YouTube for trainings and tutorials
Check out our User Manual for a comprehensive introduction to the ZoomOSC application.
Access the API/Command Syntax List for a complete list of commands and outputs.
Questions? Feature requests? Please feel free to reach out at: info@liminalet.com
Feature Comparison at a Glance:
User interface with easy access to configuration and preference settings.
Change application IP and port, as well as common settings for better compatability
Use any OSC application or hardware controller with ZoomOSC
Customize your control surface to your needs; integrate into your workflow
Enhanced Output and Feedback
All ZoomOSC command outputs include information about the user who completed the action in addition to what they did.
Multi-Pin and Multi Spot
Add and remove participants from multi-pin/spot groups to create super sources, or tightly manage your meeting.
Enhanced Output for Integrations
New output commands allow you to create Smart ZoomOSC Integrations (names on button keys, dynamic variables, media server profiles of users, reactive lower thirds)